Monday, September 30, 2013

Homework Update

Hello All,

     For some reason, the website is not letting me update the homework assignment box to the right.  I will get that back in action as soon as possible.  In the meantime, tonight's homework consists of the following:

All Students:  You have a game tonight at Indian Island.  Try to attend and cheer on the Panthers!

6th Grade:  You finished your work in class today, so there is no homework!

7th Grade:  Thanks to writing prompts, you are homework-free for the night!

8th Grade:  If you did not finish your six-paragraph essays in class, you will finish them tonight.

8th SS:  Your first exam is on Monday, October 7!  Study hard!

  Don't forget about tonight's game!

Soccer at Indian Island!

Hello All!

     Tonight we play at Indian Island!  This should be a great game, and it gives us another opportunity for an undefeated season.  Please come support the Greenbush Panthers at 3:45, and I promise you will have a great time!

Friday, September 27, 2013


     This weekend is Riverfest in Old Town!  Tonight's big display was the fireworks, which lasted nearly twenty minutes.  The many explosions and bright designs wowed the crowd and burst on our ears like cannon fire.  On Saturday, you can see the parade, watch Riverfest Idol, and do so much more.  You can click here to see the flyer about Riverfest produced by the city of Old Town.  Come down to the river and have some fun with friends and family!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Soccer vs. Highview Christian and Open House

     Tomorrow night, the Panthers compete against Highview Christian at home!  After a successful game at Beech Hill yesterday, we're ready to win again!  This time, it will be at home, so come out and support your team!

     Also, tomorrow night is Open House at Helen S Dunn School!  There will be barbecue, snacks, desserts, and the book fair!  Plus, after all that, you can wander around school and talk to teachers and see the rooms your students have been learning in.

     This year has been great so far; let's keep it going!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Too Late to Apologize

TJ, Bennie F, J Adams, John "The Sign" Hancock, and Sammy A.

     Today in Social Studies I showed the students this clever music video, a remake of OneRepublic's renowned 2006 hit single, "Too Late to Apologize."  Created by Soomo Publishing, this song speaks of the Declaration of Independence and some of the motivations behind our fight for freedom from Great Britain.

     "Too Late to Apologize:  A Declaration" is a great anachronistic view of that struggle, complete with electric guitars, violin solos, and John Adams on bass.  Thomas Jefferson, of course, is the lead singer.  Consider this a reminder that in their time, these men were famous, powerful people, and their ideas were both radical and, frankly, revolutionary.  Enjoy!

Click here to see the video on YouTube!
Thomas Jefferson laying it out like it is.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Soccer vs. Penobscot Christian

     Tonight, the Panthers compete against Penobscot Christian School!  This is our first game of the season, and will be played in Bangor.  I'm sure it will be a great game; let's show how awesome our team can be!

     Go Panthers!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Yankee Candles!

     The eighth grade is selling Yankee candles!  That's right, the best candles in the world, most of which are made right in Massachusetts, can be bought from the students here at Helen S. Dunn School.  Call a student, see a student, or mail a student, but ask them about Yankee candles and how you can get them!

Yankee Candle.  "Company Profile."  Accessed September 13, 2013.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Class Constitution!

     The eighth grade has been busy learning how to organize their rules and regulations, and students have worked hard to create an official Constitution for their class.  These are all the rules, subject to the school handbook, that exist in our classroom.

     Everyone did a fantastic job creating and organizing this Constitution; ratification took place today.  You should all be very proud!

We the Students of Helen S Dunn School Class of 2014, in order to keep discipline in the classroom, establish justice, ensure school-wide tranquility, provide for common protection from unequal treatment, promote the general welfare of the students and teachers, and secure the freedoms which we deserve, do ordain and establish this

Constitution for the Class of 2014.

Article I:
1.     All students must stay on task at all times.
2.     All students must work quietly, and stay in their seats during class time unless otherwise permitted. [EDITED by Amendment 3]
3.     No cheating or looking at other people’s work will be tolerated.
4.     No one will write on walls.
5.     No one will steal anything.
6.     Only one person will talk at a time in the classroom; the teacher always has precedence.
7.     No one will damage property belonging to anyone else.
8.     Students will respect teachers and one another, including personal space.
9.     No one will throw anything. [EDITED by Amendments 1 and 5]
10. Students must raise their hands and be called on to speak in class.
11. No hats may be worn in school.
12. All clothing must be school appropriate.
13. Outbursts may not be tolerated.
14. Everyone must stay awake during school hours.
15. Laptops will be used for educational purposes only.
16. Students may not use cell phones in school. [EDITED by Amendment 2]
17. Students will use inside voices at all times in the classroom.
18. Students will only open windows with permission from the teacher.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Homework Updates!

Hello All!

     I have added an update to the website concerning homework.  To your right, you will see a new section with all the current homework due in this class.  I will update this daily to reflect what I write on the calendar behind my desk.  In this way, you can check the homework in class, after class, and if you have internet at home, at that time as well.  Likewise, parents can check the website to see what you should be accomplishing for this class.
     If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in class, email me, or write a letter!


Mr. DeMaris

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today in History - William Wordsworth

Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802
by William Wordsworth
(sonnet) p. 118

Earth hath not anything to shew more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This City now doth like a garment wear
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendor valley, rock, or hill;
Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!

The original publication placed the date as 3 September 1803.  Later editions admitted it was actually inspired and composed on Saturday, 31 July 1802, when he and his sister Dorothy were traveling across the bridge together.  The poem describes the River Thames and London in the early morning, before the bustle of traffic and business began.

MLA Citation:

Wordsworth, William. Poems, in Two Volumes. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orms, Paternoster-Row, 1807. Print.