The eighth grade has been busy learning how to organize their rules and regulations, and students have worked hard to create an official Constitution for their class. These are all the rules, subject to the school handbook, that exist in our classroom.
Everyone did a fantastic job creating and organizing this Constitution; ratification took place today. You should all be very proud!
We the Students of Helen S Dunn
School Class of 2014, in order to keep discipline in the classroom, establish
justice, ensure school-wide tranquility, provide for common protection from
unequal treatment, promote the general welfare of the students and teachers,
and secure the freedoms which we deserve, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the Class of 2014.
Article I:
All students must stay on task at all times.
All students must work quietly, and stay in
their seats during class time unless otherwise permitted. [EDITED by Amendment 3]
No cheating or looking at other people’s work
will be tolerated.
No one will write on walls.
No one will steal anything.
Only one person will talk at a time in the
classroom; the teacher always has precedence.
No one will damage property belonging to anyone
Students will respect teachers and one another,
including personal space.
No one will throw anything. [EDITED by Amendments 1 and 5]
10. Students
must raise their hands and be called on to speak in class.
11. No
hats may be worn in school.
12. All
clothing must be school appropriate.
13. Outbursts
may not be tolerated.
14. Everyone
must stay awake during school hours.
15. Laptops
will be used for educational purposes only.
16. Students
may not use cell phones in school. [EDITED by Amendment 2]
17. Students
will use inside voices at all times in the classroom.
18. Students
will only open windows with permission from the teacher.