Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Quarter, Upcoming Assessments

Hello All!

     Monday marked the start of the new marking period here at Helen S Dunn School.  That means your old grades are set, and you have a brand-new chance to improve!  With that in mind, you should all be aware of the upcoming assessments for which you need to study.  They are:

6th Grade:  On Friday, November 8, you have a quiz on the Greek Gods and Goddesses.
7th Grade:  On Wednesday, November 13, you have a quiz on Animal Farm.  Pay attention to the characters and conflicts.
8th Grade:  On Friday, November 8, you have a quiz on the eighteen (18) literary elements and techniques from pages 108 - 109 in your textbook.
8th Grade:  On Wednesday, November 13, you have an exam on the Civil War in Social Studies.

     Study hard; these are the first big grades of the new quarter in ELA!  As always, if you have any questions, please come see me.  Also, don't forget that tomorrow and Friday are half days, and parent-teacher conferences take place tomorrow afternoon.  Work hard!


Mr. DeMaris

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