Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Early Release Today

Good morning everyone,

     Today the administration is closing school at 11:00, even earlier than usual early release time, because the incoming storm will hit us soon after that time.  We will have lunch on an early schedule, and then dismiss to busses.  This means you will have your morning classes, likely half of your 10:00 class, and you will not have your intervention or afternoon courses.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Outdoor Adventure Tomorrow

Hello All!

     Don't forget that tomorrow, Tuesday March 25, we are all going cross-country skiing in the frigid weather, so bundle up!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sock Hop Saturday!

     Hello everyone!  Do you like to dance?  Do you like loud music and groovy tunes?  Do you enjoy great food and even better entertainment?

     If so, we have just the event for you!  Saturday March 22, at 6:30 PM, we are hosting a 50's Sock Hop here at Helen S. Dunn School!  We have great music, great food, fantastic decorations, and a limbo bar, so come by and have a blast!

     Show up and show off your skills!  Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Flanders, and so many others have put a lot of time into this fun event, so come to the school and have a great time!
     We have new speakers, a disco mirror ball,  food and drink, and even hula hoops!  The staff beat you all at the basketball game Thursday afternoon; here's your chance to show them up!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

School is Cancelled Today

Good morning!

     The administration has cancelled school today, due to the slippery road conditions caused by the massive amount of snow we received in the last fifteen hours.  Enjoy your day off, and don't forget to catch up on any late homework!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Early Release Today

Good morning!

     School starts at the normal time today, but the administration has called an early release, due to the incoming storm.  You will have your regular morning classes, intervention, and lunch, and then we will dismiss you at noon.

     Enjoy the afternoon in the snow!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


by Kiairah

Droopy willow trees
make good shade, but it sadly
makes me feel the same.

by Hunter

Covered in water,
seven billion people
won’t last forever.

by Vicktoria

A beautiful stream
flows along the Pacific;
pebbles sink in you.

by Alexis

I walk through the woods;
I look for moose, deer, and birds,
but I find nothing.

Pizza Rolls

     Nicole and Jasmine wrote a clever poem about their favorite snack today, and they insist they will now write a whole series on microwaved food.  The eighth grade is studying how poetry sometimes ignores standard conventions of written English, and often comments on obscure aspects of life.  Here is their first ode to nuked goodness,

Pizza Rolls

Pizza Rolls are very hot,
I like them a lot.
They make me super happy,
They make me want to clappy.
The first bite is like lava,
It starts so much drama.
Sauce, Cheese, Pepperoni, and Dough,
That’s like heaven, you know.
They make you fat,
But I’m okay with that.
Five minutes to go,
Time is ticking slow.
They are my life,
I will ask them to be my wife.
They are my favorite food,
Even if they’re already chewed.
That’s actually so gross,
I think I want some toast.
No, never mind; they’re still my love,
I almost lost them to a dove.
Everyone at the end of the line,
They’re all mine!
Fifteen rolls in a box,
Everyone loves them, even a fox.
They make you better when you’re sick,
It makes me want to post a pic.
They are my best friend,
Forever till the end.
They’re great!
Almost better than Frosted Flakes.
They are yummy in my tum.
So gooey on the inside,
I literally almost cried.
My stomach is hollow,
Chew, Chew, and Swallow.
You can share them or not,
Hmm, I’d rather not.
They’re almost gone.
That’s a con.
I’m so full of cr—,
I think I need a nap.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Does Anybody Really Win?

Courtroom Drama Concludes with Moderate Decision
by Mr. DeMaris
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

     After the outrage over the scam perpetrated by four citizen of Room 27 last week, today's court decision left many people dissatisfied, but many parties on both sides seemed content with the ruling.  The arguments for and against the legality and ethics of the scheme took over an hour, and after deliberating for more than half an hour, the court handed down a decision that neither party should have the money involved.

     In an unexpected ruling, the court dismissed the charges of misusing study hall time, disrespecting opinions, and causing outbursts leveled by the prosecution against the defendants.  According to the law as it stands, causing outbursts is not illegal, but participating therein may be; the court chose not to press charges against the class as a whole for the outburst they created after discovering the effects of the plot.  The court agreed, to an extent, with the defense's argument that the law stating "Everyone is responsible for their own materials" (Article IV, Section 6) means individuals are responsible for their own money, not just classwork, but extended that to apply to the defendants as well.  Just as the plaintiffs should have been more careful with their signatures, so too the defendants should have been more responsible with their clever plans.  Thanks to the charges of bullying leveled under Law 8, the official definition of bullying was established as "to use intimidating, disturbing, or superior language or behavior to disrupt another person's composure."  The court struggled to decide whether or not the inherently deceptive practices of the four conspirators constituted bullying, but certainly agreed that it was unethical.

     In sum, the real victim was the classroom order, and the true perpetrator was Kyle, who masterminded the plot and used his position as notary to build confidence in his victims.  Therefore, the court decided to take back the $212 in question from the conspirators and place it, instead, in the party fund, where it could benefit the class as a whole.  Scarlet, who admitted to bullying behavior while under oath, was given a $10 fine.  In addition, the court leveled $80 in fines to numerous people in the room for distracting and speaking out of turn during the proceedings.

     It is the opinion of this reporter that the real winner in this case was the government of Room 27, which built up more power with its new laws making fine print in the classroom illegal (see here for the current laws), and took $90 from the citizens.  Hopefully, this will serve as a deterrent for future conspiracies, but for right now it has only broken the trust of some citizens in the lawmaking ability of the notary and his allies.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Court Date Set

Fortune on the Line as Court Date Looms
by Mr. DeMaris
Monday, March 3, 2014

     The four men responsible for the recent financial tsunami in Room 27 are going to court tomorrow, March 4, 2014, on charges of theft, misrepresentation, and unethical conduct, among others.  Kyle, Hunter, Jayton, and Chris will defend themselves, as they have not secured a lawyer; Kyle will stand as their representative.  Scarlet has offered to represent the prosecution; her solid track record suggests she may do well.

     The results of the case will be published soon.