Monday, May 12, 2014

Property Tax is Established!

Citizens of Room 27 Vote for More Taxes, Bank Bailouts

by Mr. DeMaris

     Today, a majority of class legislators passed a law creating new taxes to pay off government debt incurred by bailing out the failed First Blue Bank of the Helen S. Dunn School.  The institution, which had lent more money than it could afford, shut down when student concerns about access to money led to a run on the bank that drained its funds.  After several days without access to their bank accounts, and unable to do anything but watch their income swallowed by massive debt, students agreed that their comfort and security was more important than immediate fiscal responsibility, and proposed new legislation authorizing the Government of Room 27 to bail out the bank in return for higher taxes to pay off that investment.

     As a result, government officials have imposed a property tax on each individual in the classroom.  Students must now pay for the right to sit in their chair and use their desk, even though that chair and desk has been theirs since the beginning of the school year.  Many students expressed dissatisfaction with this decision, but their voices were overwhelmed by the majority, who insist that it is a worthwhile trade.

     We must wait to see what the long-term impacts of this decision will be.



  2. Thank you, Kyle, for your generous contribution to this conversation!
